Wednesday, October 23, 2013

My Higher Ascension calling

Dear Beloveds!

Today I wasn't guided to turn on my computer for quite a while after I woke up. I felt some new guidance coming through, so I spent some time in silent meditation/Beingness. There is a new level of Ascension integration and my Soul path that I AM walking through at this time. We are still balancing the Divine feminine/Being and the Divine masculine/Self empowered action. I feel that even more guidance will come soon. I love Mercury retrograde periods, as they always bring more introverted guidance from the inner Spirit planes! Also, the Scorpio period is here Now, so it's time to dive deep within!

I keep receiving the Serapis Bay/keeper of the White Ascension Flame message. Today it came again from the "Ascension cards" by Diana Cooper. Suddenly, I was guided to look His Essence up in the "Ascended Masters" oracle cards by Doreen Virtue. Since the message is constant and repetitive, I delved deeply into it through silent meditation and some automatic writing.

This is what it says about this energy Essence in the book: "It's time for You to go, either away from a toxic situation or toward something desirable. This card signals that it's the right time to make your move. The conditions are ripe and perfect, and the Universe is poised to support your move. Stars a new project without delay. No more excuses - just do it!" The message can also speak about taking a vacation, either a physical or meditative one. Additional guidance for each one of us personally will provide us with all the right answers from within.

I AM sharing what I received for myself, just to encourage You to take a leap forward into your own inner realms. I feel that this message is particularly about what this Master Energy represents. It says: "He is considered a God of Ascension, and he acts as a bridge between Heaven and Earth. He's the ultimate life coach who motivated people to take good care of themselves physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Call upon Serapis Bey whenever you need additional energy and motivation to take action."

As You know, in the New it's all about our own Divinity. So for me, this message is about this Divine Essence being awakened and embodied within myself. I was immediately drawn to the image of this card, as it got my attention right away. He is wearing gold and white, which are the primary colors that I AM attracted to at this time and resonating with deeply from my Soul. I wish to wear them all the time and be wrapped around with the combination of the energy fusion from these color Essences. That is why I AM also guided to buy some clothes of this color, so that the outer matches the inner. Colors can trigger Essences to awaken!

This is also probably why I AM Now beginning to talk a lot about living our Ascension, walking our talk and embodying the Master Self. I AM mastering my own Ascension (the only true way of a Way shower) and I AM coming to the level/cycle in my life, where my Holy Presence is felt and experienced in everything, by myself and others. I walk in the Light of Ascension and I AM Now rightfully (as a rite of passage) able to act as that same bridge between the higher realms (heaven) and the Earth. Just by Being/breathing, I can Now invoke and bring that Essence into this Realm of Existence and spark up anyone who is ready for this transition ... with a Holy blessing.

How is this being utilized as service to All That Is? Simply by becoming it, of course. This is a Holy calling to bring my work of Ascension to the next level as well. It's about raising the frequency of my work within my grander purpose. I can begin on a New level, working within this white flame/sacred fire and the Holy Presence of my own Christed Self. My work can now begin to unfold on higher levels and in a completely New way. This is also about gathering the Ascension team/group of those devoted individuals, who wish to truly dedicate themselves to embodying their Soul fully and walk in their Angelic Soul Self, the 7th density Being! This is all about the return to our true Creation-blueprint of our authentic/individualized Soul Essence!

That was always my purpose anyway, and it can now begin to take place physically as well, as I will bring it into tangible form step by step ... from finer/ethereal realms into the Existence of here and Now! How does this message activate You and your own personal journey?

I experience it as a conscious New birth. I experienced a wonderful synchronicity about new birth and birth in general yesterday. A Divine companion wrote to me, saying that she felt something new through my last profile picture, and then she asked me if I feel that a part of my purpose is also to have a child, because she felt this for me. I had goose bumps when she said that. She also said that it can be related to that Holy Purity of the feminine, like the Virgin Mary attribute/archetype and the concept of immaculate conception. Funny thing, since recently another Divine companion sent me an article about that.

I was just pondering about what she said, when my mother returned home from her walk. Before I even fully explained to her what was said to me, she already told me that she received a similar guidance in her Nature meditation. It just came to her randomly and completely out of the blue. The thing is that I never really resonated with being a mother in the physical, and I always felt that I have "children" all around the world already, but this is about something completely different. And we need to be always open to new guidance, as nothing is ever set in stone.

Then I went for my run and my own meditation near the water, where Spirit guidance showed me something. Just like Jeshua and Mary had children back then to create a pure bloodline, so it's now happening with many who are merging within sacred Unions. These sacred partnerships are about the embodiment of Divine Love, which is how we were all created. So when such a Divine coupling comes together, and if they have a child in the physical, this child is birthed directly through Divine Love. So they birth a Divine child ... a pure One, as their purity generates Divine conception. Now I AM definitely not creating separation with any other conception by saying this, as all is Divine. But what Spirit showed me, is that this is different, because this child is birthed straight from the Divine mother and father consciousness merged as One ... so therefore a crystalline Divine child is birthed as a result. "The pure Ones" is how Spirit showed it to me, and these children will be the seed of our New Earth generation ... the seed for the new dawning era ... the next Golden Age!

After receiving this guidance, something amazing happened ... I consider it a "miracle." I was still sitting by a tree, when suddenly a huge brown grasshopper started coming towards me. She must have seen me sitting there. Then something magical happened! For the first time in my life, I have been a witness to a grasshopper laying eggs. She came right next to me, not afraid of me at all, and she let me watch. I was looking at her, how she stuck her back part into the ground, and how she was pushing it all the way down into the ground to lay her eggs. She did it twice, on two locations, one next to the other. This was such a clear message from Spirit, and I could not believe that I was a witness to that on the very same day that the guidance about birth came to me. If You wish to see how this looks, You can Google it yourself ... just write "grasshopper laying eggs" and You will see what I AM talking about. How amazing this is!

Know that birthing something is a constant process of further and further expansion and creation. They say that the third time's the charm! I got my third Even tiara/circlet today, and this one is the lightest and the easiest to wear. What is the message in this? We have learned by Now, that there is Spirit guidance in everything. So each tiara that I got was lighter and easier to wear. For me this means that I AM adjusting to my New Life Self, and that it's getting easier and smoother each time, and Now I finally belong ... I AM adjusted and I feel great harmony of Being.

How amazing it is, when we can feel Divine communication in everything! This is who truly are anyway and everything has its message. 

Talking about messages ... let's play a game again ... here it goes! Today I was guided to look at my eyes for a moment, and then I was guided to put some extra make-up on them, which I usually don't do. Then I got an idea to take a photo of them and share them as a mirror of ... You! Just before I posted this photo, I saw an image on Facebook of a woman with her eyes standing out, so this was a lovely synchronicity/confirmation from Spirit.

Here is how we play! What do You see/feel in my eyes? Know that this is a reflection of You, and a message of your Soul through the mirror of another. Eyes are the window of the Soul! We can only act as a pure mirror within the absolute clarity/neutrality/complete awareness of and the embodiment of pure Divine Love.

This is who truly are. I love this decree that I recently read: "I cannot be anything other than that which I AM." Yes, it is time to stop trying to Be something and simply Be who we already are in all of our uniqueness. The more that we embrace it, the more that is comes into embodiment. We are Divine Love and we are loved simply because we exist.

Within Divine Love, Polona Aurea Dawn

P.S. Here is my new video about living our Ascension:
